Product Detail :
Strategy And Business Consulting
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Dynamic purchasing system: strategy and business consulting
Yleisradio oy (hereinafter yle) establishes a dynamic procurement system in which services related to strategy and business consulting are procured. yle will accept all candidates who have met the eligibility requirements for tenderers in the system. the duration of the dynamic purchasing system shall be 48 months. at the stage of setting up the dynamic purchasing system, at least 30 days shall be allowed for the submission of requests to participate from the date on which the contract notice is sent for publication. during the establishment phase, no tenders may be issued within the dynamic purchasing system. the first procurements are planned for the beginning of 2022. the following documents are attached to the invitation to participate: appendix appendix to the description of the dps object 2 competences and experience of the candidate (company) 3 appendix to the draft contract 3.1 appendix to the data protection agreement 4 information about dpsyleisradio oy (hereinafter yle) establishes a dynamic procurement system in which services related to strategy and business consulting are procured. the scope of the dynamic purchasing system includes the following services: - operating environment and market analysis - stakeholder analysis - forecasting and future work - strategy and vision work - planning and supporting the implementation of the strategy - setting goals and measuring success - organizational and structural changes, various operational arrangements changes, streamlining and savings projects- small business reorganizations (excluding their legal advice) - process and service development - project portfolio management systems and their development - journalism, journalistic work and work processes - content production and related work processes - other business development. service in both finnish and swedish. we also expect proficiency in english.This acquisition does not include other expert services available to companies, such as: - extensive, quantitative research- it expert services, technology consulting and digital services design- legal services- auditing services- staff development to defined areas- occupational well-being services- communications consulting- advertising and marketing.Ks. see also appendix 1 dps item description.